CW Dallas
AHR 206245
*Aladdinn x New Fashion (x *Bask)
March 25, 1980 - April 11, 2013
The Arabian community lost a tremendous ambassador this spring, and Tezmaral Arabians lost a lifelong friend. Dallas was bred by Colonial Woods Arabians and named for one of that year's most popular TV shows - Dallas - and like his namesake, he too became a legend.
Purchased as a yearling, he survived colic surgery to go on to a successful halter and show career. In his later years, Dallas became the ultimate schoolmaster, teaching scores of children and adults how to ride and sparking their love of Arabian horses. He had given a lesson just days before his passing at the remarkable age of 33. Dallas will be fondly remembered and deeply missed by those lucky enough to have known him.

AHR 195947
*El Paso x New Fashion (x *Bask)
April 7, 1979 - July 4, 2011
In his 32 years, Essquire led a successful and productive life. He embodied the Arabian Horse in his strength, athleticism, versatility and demeanor.
Essquire joined the Tezmaral Arabian family in February 1981. Thanks to the influence of Paul and Dody Wood and Johnny Downing, the pure Polish pedigree that Essquire had was a small breeder’s dream come true. Essquire went on to produce 56 Arabian and Half-Arabian get that successfully perform in the show ring, race track, endurance trail and breeding shed. His grand-get enjoy the same success.
Essquire competed in a variety of disciplines: Country English Pleasure, Driving, Native Costume, and Ladies Side Saddle. He was a champion in all of them! He was a joy to ride.
We miss his presence in the barn each day, but he will be forever in our hearts.